Friday, May 28, 2010

A Beautiful Ride

We are currently spending some time in Asheville for our second session of build days. It has been a nice break for our bodies. And it came at a pretty opportune time because I'm not sure how much more my body could take! The last few days have been the hardest we will probably have all summer. On Wednesday, we climbed 6100 feet to complete a very difficult 80 mile ride. However, it was also one of the most beautiful rides I will probably have. We spent 65 of the 80 miles riding on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The climbs were challenging, but the views were totally worth it. It was great to watch the mountains change from the foggy valleys of the morning, to the hot and muggy late morning, and finally to the cooler afternoon, when we reached our highest elevation. What was particularly cool, was recognizing some of the land features, rivers, and points of interest from my time with Outward Bound last summer. We saw Table Rock, crossed over Wilson Creek, and even biked up most of Mt. Mitchell!

It took us hours to climb up the mountains, but just minutes to soar down them. It was incredible to feel the turns and the speed. After averaging a whopping 4 or 5 mph going up hills, it was great to feel the thrill of several minutes of downhill. On most of the downhill sections, I fluctuated between 25 and 35 mph for stretches of 2 to 12 miles. It was exhilarating for sure. The only part that was a bit scary was this long construction zone where there were too many pot holes to even yell out to those behind you. You basically went in and hoped for the best!

The build days have been relaxed, and I learned how to put in windows with Joe and Daniel.

But my internet time is running out so have to go! Love you all, and will upload photos as soon as I get to a computer capable of it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shortest Blog Post Ever

Hey this will be brief because I HAVE to go to bed. Today we climbed a mountain on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was ridiculous. And gorgeous. Annnnd I'm exhausted. There is not much more to say. Pictures will be coming soon, so stay tuned because they are AWESOME.

Love you all and will be in touch!

Playing Catch Up (May 24th)

So, I haven’t written in a few days and that is for two reasons, one good and one bad. First, I have been so crazy busy and exhausted I simply haven’t had time to sit down for more than a few minutes to even reflect on the past week! Second, my laptop was stolen in Chapel Hill. Soooo, that means my posts may be a bit fewer and farther in between than I had originally hoped. But other than that, this summer has continued to be amazing. It seems like I have been with this group of people for months, not days. Together we have already biked until we no longer know what a “normal” butt feels like, built homes for more than 15 hours, and made fools of ourselves in innumerable ways.

We spent several days this weekend in the place I will forever call home: Chapel Hill, NC. Luckily, I was able to see some of my roommates from this year and enjoy some sweet showers from at our house, which involved cramming 3 tall young men and me into the passenger seats of Amy’s mustang. I also saw some of my other good friends who even came and cooked for our pot luck dinner! Thanks so much to you all. You are awesome and I love you!

On my first build days of the summer, I continued to learn the art of vinyl siding. I even learned how to use a new saw, though I can’t remember the name. It’s the one that you push on straight lines with a spinning circle blade. Yea, that one. I also got to hammer in some tar paper to help waterproof a roof. The sun was really hot up there! But an afternoon shower cooled us all off. We all really felt a sense of accomplishment when we saw the tangible results of a hard day’s work. Some of our group even had the opportunity to see a dedication of a completed home. I did not attend, but I heard that it was extremely touching and the new home owners even played songs and provided food for their guests.

True to its name, with Chapel Hill came the start of the rolling Piedmont. The last two days have been really tough. Everyone is sore and exhausted. Yesterday we completed a 84 mile up and down ride into Winston Salem, and some long gradual hills rounded out a 63 mile ride this morning. A nasty headwind prevented us from getting up much speed, which added to my fatigue. But, after some delicious meals, once again we were all up and at them when we got into Taylorsville tonight, where many of us rallied up a fierce few games of Knock-Out in the church gym.

And now, introducing (in brief):

Ray Antonelli

Ray is probably one of the people I’ve gotten to know the best so far this summer. We rode together today and often play cards or have good conversations in the evenings about everything from childhood obsessions about lemurs or airplanes to discussions about families, people, school, or simply sharing our perspectives on today’s society.
Ray is a hard worker with a big heart and even bigger smile! He grew up in Pittsboro, NC with his parents and sister Rayanne (all of whom I met briefly in Chapel Hill!). His dad and sister work at Nice Price Books in Carrboro, NC, which is very close to where I lived this year. Spending time in and working at a bookstore is one of the many jobs I aspire to have one day. I don’t think there are many things cooler than working in a book shop- so many stories, so much knowledge.

Ray will be a senior next year at NC State University where he is studying biochemistry. He hopes to go to medical school in the years following undergrad to become (possibly) a primary physician (though it is the scientific parts of medicine that most interest him). And with his baller MCAT scores and GPA, I have no doubts he will be successful. And so cheerful is Ray, in fact, that he has picked up the nickname “Sunshine.” And indeed, I believe he brings a Ray of sunshine to our group each day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rural North the Rain

Since my last entry, we have experienced much rain and rural North Carolina Culture. We are officially on the road! The last three days have included mileages of 67 on Sunday, 35 yesterday, and 50 this morning.

Our first day of riding was great! The weather was amazing and we were all in high spirits. After crossing some loooong seaside bridges, we headed straight, and I do mean STRAIGHT down to Swan Quarter, NC, south of the Outer Banks. I don't think I've ever seen a straighter or flatter road. The people there were really nice and the the Soule Methodist Church hosted us for some incredible meals. We were even able to share a dinner with graduating high school seniors. Fun fact: Swan Quarter has the smallest public school system in the state. Meaning, the have two public schools, total. We had the privilege of showering in one of their gyms at the school across the street from the church. That school held K-12 grades, and had a little over 600 students, total.

After an incredible breakfast (pancakes and sausage and fruit!) we enjoyed the shortest day of our summer journey while we moseyed over to Belhaven, NC. Fun Fact: Belhaven is home of Little Eva, who sang Locomotion. you know- comeon baby do the locomotion! Yea fun stuff. In Belhaven we took a dip in a HOT TUB at a local family's home, played some games and frolic-ed at the community center, and ate DELICIOUS seafood at the local oyster bar. After a great presentation (and goodie bags from the local kids with really cute cards) we had a drink and chill time at the town pool hall.

From Bike and Build (North Carolina)

Fun in Belhaven, NC

Today we headed out with a warm welcome and yummy greasy cheese biscuits from out kind church host at the Trinity United Methodist Church and pedaled about 50 miles in off-and-on rain. We had a few scary but minor accidents along the way due to wet train tracks and some day dreaming. But everyone is fine and Andrew (who I wrote about in my last entry) is officially hardcore in my book. He ended up riding the last 15 miles of the day with some nasty road rash on his leg.

We just settled into the Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church. I enjoyed a pit stop at a nearby Wendy's and inhaled a cheeseburger and fries. You would not believe how much you can eat when you are cycling. And now for tonight's rider profile!

From Bike and Build (North Carolina)

(Sean is on the left in his Lance Armstrong Yellow helmet)

Xiangnan Xing aka "Sean"
Sean is actually my partner for the educational portion of our B&B experience. Every week or so pairs of riders give presentations to the group on topics and issues surrounding the Affordable Housing Crisis. Because the listing are alphabetical, Sean and I will not be presenting until we reach the pacific coast. We will be presenting on Green Homes! yay! Anyway, I first met Sean at orientation, but got to know him better through riding together the first day and today. Sean is an adventurous type. I often catch him weaving pot holes and sprinting ahead, his bright yellow rain jacket unzipped and flapping behind him. Sean was born in Bejing, China and moved to the outskirts of Monteal in Canada when he was four. He lived there for six years until he moved to Ames, Iowa when he was ten and became and Iowa State Cyclones fan, but now he is a die-hard Tar Heel fan/lunatic and student at UNC studying Biology. Half of his clothing/bike accessories sport a beautiful Carolina Blue. Sean has been cycling most of his life, but says this is the first time he has worn spandex and sported clip-on shoes. Sean wants to be an environmental lawyer. Sean has a sister and both his parents here in the US, but the rest of his family is still in China. But his sister is coming to the US for college! Sean likes a lot of sports too including everything from fishing to tennis and basketball. He claims to be "a prince of all trades but a master of none." But I beg to differ. Mastery has many definitions, and I'd call Sean a "master" of many endeavors.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Getting geared up....literally

Yesterday and today were the first two days of my Bike and Build adventure! So far, we have been dressed, fitted, drilled, and thrown into a pile of exciting information about the journey in front of us. I now know how to change a flat tire, for instance! (very important). We kicked off the weekend with some rules, basic bike maintenance instruction, and ice breaker games. And last night we had a fantastic late night jaunt across, over, and through some rather large sand dunes.

If you did not know, there are about 33 of us. So there are a lot of names to learn! It is my goal to meet up with each and every one of my crew mates and get to know each throughout this summer. And so in order to ensure this happens, I am going to attempt to write mini profiles about each of my new friends, with one or two included with each of my entries. Today I am starting with Andrew Linville.

Andrew Linville
Andrew is a BFG. (Thats a "big friendly giant for all of you non Roald Dahl fanatics). Meaning, Andrew is very tall and very nice. I had the privilege of riding (in a car) from Chapel Hill to Nags Head with him and my Dad. Andrew has spent the last two years of school at Davidson College, but has spent most of his life in the lovely New York City. He has one brother and some pretty smart parents. With a father who has been a lawyer and a mother who has her own landscaping business, it is no wonder he is such an observant and thoughtful person. I found it especially impressive that, as a sophomore, he has lead several outdoor trips for Davidson students, including pre-orientation trips for incoming Freshman last summer. Coincidentally, my NC Outward Bound crew ran into one of these such groups on the French Broad River. I remember because they had awesome big red canoes that said "Davidson" on the side. I look forward to getting to know Andrew even more over the coming weeks! Below is a photo of him helping paint our van that will hold all of our stuff this summer. You can read more about Andrew on his bio page:

From Bike and Build (North Carolina)

Today we also biked from Nags Head to the Bodie Island Lighthouse. The short 20 miles rounded me up to my 500 pre-trip milage, and we even learned a little of NC coastal history. For instance, did you know that the lighthouses are meant to be constructed very close to 40 miles apart from each other so the ships would be able to see both as the reached the shore? Even so, it is incredible how many ships have been claimed by the OBX. After that, we biked to some public showers and after a dip in the ocean and a scrubily bubbly, we stopped on the way home for ice cream.I had some german chocolate and coffee ice cream...mmmmm.
From Bike and Build (North Carolina)

Well, I best get going to dinner!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FAQs and Departure Details!!

Total Funds Raised: $7322.42
Total Miles on my New Bike: 480 miles
Longest Ride to date: 50 miles

So the time has come. I am less than 48 hours from my Bike and Build Orientation in Nags Head, NC! And so, I would like to leave you all with some answers to the most frequently asked questions I get about my Bike and Build adventure, as well as some ways to keep in touch!

Frequently Asked Questions

When do you leave and how long is your trip?
My adventure starts Friday, May 14th at 2pm at Nags Head, NC, and will commence on July 22nd in San Diego California. Therefore, I will be gone for about 10 weeks. (see the end of the FAQs for a more detailed schedule)

How many miles do you average a day?
I will start out with shorter rides, but grow to average about 75 miles a day.

Where do you stay at night?
Along the way we will stay in churches, synagogues, schools, YMCAs, campgrounds, community centers, and more that are prearranged by our Trip Leaders. These hospitable hosts will arrange for showering facilities and introduce us to the local food and culture.

That all sounds great! Will I be able to keep in touch with you while you are away?!
Yes!! And here are three easy ways to keep in touch with me!

1) This Blog.
I will do my best to update it frequently, so be sure to keep checking back. If you would like nifty e-mail notifications when I update my blog please e-mail me at to let me know you would like to be added to my mailing list.

If you want to send me letters and/or packages (a ticket to eternal friendship), you can mail them to designated "mail drops" which we will roll by about once a week. Be sure to check the dates of these drops as we will not be turning back around to pick up any stragglers. The dates and addresses for my route are as follows:

Address to:

Bike & Build
Attn: Allison Young
General Delivery

May 20
Chapel Hill NC, 27514
May 26
Downtown Asheville 28802
June 03
Dunlap, TN 37327
June 10
Brinkley, AR 72021
June 17
Bartlesville, OK 74003
June 24
Lamar, CO 81052
July 01
Gunnison, CO 81230
July 08
Kayenta, AZ 86033
July 13
Prescott AZ 86301

3)Good ol' Cell Phone!
I will have my cell phone the entire time. And though reception may be patchy at times, I would LOVE to hear from you! 704.564.7984

Sweet! Are there any other places I can look to keep up with where you are and what you are doing?
There are a two other websites that may be handy in addition to my blog. - General Bike and Build Information - the NC2SD Route website

And below is a more detailed description of where I will be and when.

05/14 Nags Head - NC 0
05/15 Nags Head - NC 0
05/16 Swanquarter - NC 66
05/17 Belhaven - NC 34
05/18 Greenville - NC 58
05/19 Wake Forest - NC 79
05/20 Chapel Hill - NC 39

05/21 BUILD DAY 0
05/22 BUILD DAY 0
05/23 Winston-Salem - NC 89
05/24 Taylorsville - NC 70
05/25 Newland - NC 65
05/26 Asheville - NC 79
05/27 BUILD DAY 0

05/28 BUILD DAY 0
05/29 Waynesville - NC 40
05/30 Gatlinburg - TN 60
05/31 Maryville - TN 45
06/1 BUILD DAY 0
06/2 Sweetwater - TN 39
06/3 Dunlap - TN 79

06/4 Winchester - TN 44
06/5 Pulaski - TN 85
06/6 Adamsville - TN 85
06/7 Bolivar - TN 38
06/8 Memphis - TN 56
06/9 DAY OFF 0
06/10 Brinkley - AR 91

06/11 Little Rock - AR 68
06/12 BUILD DAY 0
06/13 Clarksville - AR 101
06/14 Fayetteville - AR 89
06/15 BUILD DAY 0
06/16 Grove - OK 77
06/17 Bartlesville - OK 68

06/18 BUILD DAY 0
06/19 Ponca City - OK 71
06/20 Cherokee - OK 80
06/21 Coldwater - KS 89
06/22 Dodge City - KS 67
06/23 Garden City - KS 53
06/24 Lamar - CO 102

06/25 Rocky Ford - CO 75
06/26 Pueblo - CO 55
06/27 Colorado Springs - CO 70
06/28 BUILD DAY 0
06/29 BUILD DAY 0
06/30 Buena Vista - CO 102
07/1 Gunnison - CO 85

07/2 DAY OFF 0
07/3 Ridgeway - CO 101
07/4 Durango - CO 70
07/5 DAY OFF 0
07/6 Cortez - CO 45
07/7 Teec Nos Pos - AZ 65
07/8 Kayenta - AZ 58

07/9 Tuba City - AZ 75
07/10 Grand Canyon - AZ 78
07/11 DAY OFF 0
07/12 Williams - AZ 81
07/13 Prescott - AZ 70
07/14 BUILD DAY 0
07/15 BUILD DAY 0

07/16 Wickenburg - AZ 58
07/17 Wenden - AZ 48
07/18 Blythe - CA 65
07/19 Brawley - CA 88
07/20 Julian - CA 68
07/21 El Cajon - CA 49
07/22 SAN DIEGO - CA 31

Total Mileage: 3543

YAY! Ready or not, off I go!