Thursday, February 18, 2010

Learning to Clip and Climb (MY NEW BIKE!)

I got my bike! It arrived in a giant package on my doorstep about two weeks ago! I expected it to be a huge ordeal to drag it down the stairs to my room to unpack it, but road bikes are actually unbelievably light. In fact, getting it down the stairs ended up being the smallest task in the wrap to roll process. After removing all of the packaging I discovered that the simple re-assembly process involved removing some serious zip know, the ones the cops use in downtown Charlotte on New Years Eve. So....about five pairs of scissors and a week later I was able to locate some wire clippers strong enough to free my bike (thanks Neha!)

Putting on the seat!

(Neha should also be thanked for documenting the re-assembly process. Yay for the very first photos of my new baby!)

After a short ride to get used to the gears, I learned how to switch up and down as I climbed and descended hills, which is actually much different than on a mountain bike. Rather than spinning dials, you push the brake grips to the side. This took me longer than it should have to figure out, and I was actually stuck in a really high gear for a while because I got excited and kept switching it up until I realized I didn't know how to go back down again. that made climbing the hills a bit more challenging. But my friend Vince informed me that there are in fact two levers on the brake grips...go figure. Anyway, I have the hang of it now.

Weekend before last I went for my first longish ride with my bike- 30 miles! It was really awesome. I met some fellow Bike and Builders, including 2 that are going to be on my trip. Nathan, one of the guys I met is one of our 4 leaders, and John is a Junior at NC State. They were both really nice, helpful, and a lot of fun. This summer is going to be amazing. Caroline, another girl we rode with was also really helpful with remedying some of my "rookie mistakes" so I am grateful for her advice and guidance!

This weekend, I conquered THE PEDALS. Yes I can now dismount my bike with my shoes tied...or something like that. I still may spaz out a bit at stoplights (starting off partially clipped in is the hardest part), but for the most part I can handle the clip in shoes like a pro...well, okay, maybe more like a rookie. But I didn't fall!

Now lets look at more pics of my baby! Ohhh! Ahhh!

I was amazed at how shiny the gears were and made Neha take a picture And I'm off!!

BTW, my bike needs a name. Suggestions are welcome! Might be a fun little contest. Winner gets 3542 brownie points from me and recognition on my blog...what more could you want?! Laterz.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I want to send a great big THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have contributed to my ride and donated to such a great cause! Thanks to YOU, I have raised nearly $6000 so far! After such a successful few weeks, I decide to raise my fund raising goal to $7000. I know we can reach it! I truly truly appreciate all of your support.

After reaching my first fund raising goal, I was able to order my bike. A fantastic Giant Duffy 2 should be arriving on my doorstep in the next week or so! I am excited to finally get out and on my bike to really get my training started. Now that the half a foot of snow that covered the triangle area has completely melted, I expect my work out routines will be much more consistent.

Another thought I wanted to touch on in this blog entry involves another important person in my life. My grandfather, James Henry Young Sr. was a large advocate for this cause as well. Thank you so much to those of you who have reminded me of all the service he did in Anderson, South Carolina when he was living. Papa is another person who has had a huge influence on my commitment to my community. His dedication to his church, patients, and local community was admirable and its impact is still apparent today. From what others have told me, I have learned that Papa was a leader in the Community Development Company, which helped to create the Friendship Court Apartments (I believe you can read about it here) . Apparently there is even a monument in Anderson on Mauldin St which honors the members of the Community Development Company(Corporation?). I hope I will be able to see it next time I visit the area to see my family.

Anyway, I'll be sure to update with pics of my bike when I get it, so be sure to keep checking in!