Saturday, February 6, 2010


I want to send a great big THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have contributed to my ride and donated to such a great cause! Thanks to YOU, I have raised nearly $6000 so far! After such a successful few weeks, I decide to raise my fund raising goal to $7000. I know we can reach it! I truly truly appreciate all of your support.

After reaching my first fund raising goal, I was able to order my bike. A fantastic Giant Duffy 2 should be arriving on my doorstep in the next week or so! I am excited to finally get out and on my bike to really get my training started. Now that the half a foot of snow that covered the triangle area has completely melted, I expect my work out routines will be much more consistent.

Another thought I wanted to touch on in this blog entry involves another important person in my life. My grandfather, James Henry Young Sr. was a large advocate for this cause as well. Thank you so much to those of you who have reminded me of all the service he did in Anderson, South Carolina when he was living. Papa is another person who has had a huge influence on my commitment to my community. His dedication to his church, patients, and local community was admirable and its impact is still apparent today. From what others have told me, I have learned that Papa was a leader in the Community Development Company, which helped to create the Friendship Court Apartments (I believe you can read about it here) . Apparently there is even a monument in Anderson on Mauldin St which honors the members of the Community Development Company(Corporation?). I hope I will be able to see it next time I visit the area to see my family.

Anyway, I'll be sure to update with pics of my bike when I get it, so be sure to keep checking in!

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