Sunday, March 28, 2010

Seek the Joy of Being Alive

Total Funds Raised: $6, 572.42
(I'm so close to my $7000 goal! If you haven't donated yet, now is the time!)
Total Miles on my New Bike: 195 miles
Longest Ride to date: 40 miles

"Be joyful. Seek the joy of being alive"

This is my favorite of the woodcraft laws I learned many years ago at Green River Preserve. And it was this phrase that came to me as I was riding my bike on Sunday afternoon. As I pushed up an enormous hill, rain pelting my face and fierce winds threatening to roll me backwards or off the road, a somewhat gritted-teeth rendition of "Living on a prayer" carried me up and over. As I was finally able to sit up and coast down the hill, this phrase filled my head. seek the joy of being alive. I felt clean and fresh as I took in the beautiful multicolored sky, brushed by blues, purples and grays. Textured clouds moved quickly and I could feel the rain gathering in my shoes. Soggy feet and all, the experience was simply fantastic. I am thankful on every ride I take for the ability and the opportunity to do all that I do.

With all of the uncertainties about where I will be next year, it seems I am meeting more and more people who just don't seem to know what they might want in the long term. But I have also realized that it really is the little things, the everyday wonders that really matter. So, here is a toast to time. Slow it down, I say. Realize where you are at before you try to figure out where you are going.

And if all else fails, go for a 40 mile bike ride in the rain.

On another note, I am less than $500 from my $7000 fundraising goal! THANK YOU AGAIN. Unfortunately, I was not able to participate in a build this weekend because I had too much school work, but I know the time will come soon and I am looking forward to it.

Also, here is a great opportunity for you to take part in my adventure. If you haven't had a chance to read any of the materials on my blog or in the letters I sent (or even if you have!), I strongly encourage you to watch this 5 minute video on the Affordable Housing Crisis. And if you like it, share it with your family or a few close friends. The video covers the basics of the housing crisis in the US with significant statistics that really bring this issue to life. It was created in Philadelphia, but illustrates the issue as a whole. Plus, it has a pretty sweet backtrack by Jose Gonzalez.

Source: MiND TV (

I hope you all have similar opportunities to seek the joy of being alive each day. And when you get those "ah-ha!" moments about how awesome your life is, I'd love to hear about them.

Thanks :)
P.S. If this post had a backtrack , this would be it

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Making Progress

Total Funds Raised: $6, 172.42
Total Miles on my New Bike: 135 miles
Longest Ride to date: 32 miles

Hey everyone! Just an update to let you know that training is now fully underway and I am loving it. The fantastic spring weather hasn't hurt either! I am trying to get in 3 rides a week with at least one of them totaling 30 miles. I also found a really great 20 mile route that has some nice little hills on it, which definitely gets the cardio pumpin.

Next on my list is to start collecting the rest of my bike gear and start learning more about how to maintain my bike. There is so much to learn! I can not wait until it all becomes second nature to me. It is all so exciting.

I am hoping to participate in a habitat build this weekend and maybe get together with some Bike and Builders again for another longer ride on Sunday. I'm ready to up the ante!

Before I close this brief entry, I wanted to leave you with another educational news tidbit. Below is an opinion piece published last week on the the News and Observer website regarding Wake County Schools and affordable housing. As you may know, there has been a discussion on changing the district's policies on busing students to achieve diversity. The county is scheduled to vote today on whether to end the policy. You can read more about the vote here:

Letter to the editor: Housing the answer

The solution to the current debate regarding Wake County schools is to have schools that are both economically diverse and neighborhood-based. To achieve this, we need diverse neighborhoods, not concentrations of wealth or poverty. The key is the availability of quality, affordable housing, as well as the schools, transportation choices and neighborhood businesses, services and recreational facilities that make for sustainable communities.

Until more progress is made in these essential areas, other means are required to provide high-quality education countywide, including the current magnet system and student assignment policy.

Ultimately, it's just the right thing to do. A mature citizenry combines personal perspectives with a commitment to the common good. In this way, we can create a better future for all of our Wake County neighbors.

Thomas Barrie

Professor of architecture, N.C. State University, Raleigh